Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning

Will, Trust and Estate Planning
- Making a Will is the only way to ensure that Estate is distributed to the people you would like to benefits from it.
- A Will ensures your Estate passes through Probate quickly.
- If you fail to make a Will, the Law will determine how to share your Estate.
- If make a Will you will be able choose the people or organization that you trustto represent your interest and deal with your Estate according to your wishes.
- Everybody wants to protect their assets for the benefit of their loved ones, and to ensure that the assets that they have worked hard to acquire during their lifetime are passed on to their children and chosen beneficiaries after their death.
Our trained Legal Consultants can assess your current circumstances and recommend the products that will provide the correct protection for you, your family and your assets.
Our Tailor-Made Services:
1. Standard Wills Writing and Registration with OPS (Office Public Service)
2. LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney)
3. Trusts
4. Executorship and Guardianship
5. Probate Preservation Plus Trust. (PPPT)
Get your free information pack today, or contact us for more information.
Our opening hours are:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: Closed